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November 25, 2020


School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events,

Taylor's University, Malaysia



Conference Guidelines & Etiquette and Protocols: There are two documents attached for you to go through. “Conference Guidelines” is a full guide on accessing our conference and how our conference will be carried out. It is vital you go through this document to ensure your experience will be a smooth one. “Etiquette & Protocols” is a document that entails what is to be expected by attending our conference.


Zoom Link: Please only click on the link below on the day of the event. 

Click to enter and register for the event:


Conference Library: Introducing our conference library! Here, you will be able to access the papers and presentations that will be presented during the conference. Accessible anytime from anywhere.


Digital Souvenir Bag: Similar to any live event, we are here to enhance your experience for the 1st Asia Pacific Virtual Events Conference. Therefore, we would like to present the digital souvenir bag, which includes a range of promotions and the virtual background for you to use during the conference! Click the link below to access your personal digital souvenir bag, a gift from us to you! 


Digital Souvenir Bag

Introducing our Keynote Speakers


Dr. David Hind

I am delighted to welcome you to this APIEM conference. The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers, scholars and event professionals to share up-to-date research and best practices in the subject discipline of events/MICE. Through the presentations, debates and discussions that take place your knowledge and understanding of the events/MICE industry will be considerably enhanced and will enable you to take some of the ideas generated into your work place.


This conference is just one of a number of events that APIEM is organising in 2020 and I hope that you will have the opportunity to join with us at another event that we are organising in the Asia Pacific region. Each event has a distinct theme and they have all been designed to contribute to the professionalisation of the events/MICE industry. All the papers that are presented at our events will be published (subject to the approval of journal`s editorial board) and as such will develop further the subject body of knowledge in events/MICE.


Many thanks for registering to attend this APIEM event and best wishes for your successful and enjoyable participation.




Professor David Hind


Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management

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Key Dates

Abstract Submission: October 9, 2020

Paper Submission: November 9, 2020


Conference Aims

Over the last 15 years events/MICE management has emerged as a new academic subject discipline that is included in the curricula of universities, polytechnics and colleges throughout Asia Pacific. To support the teaching of events/MICE management faculty are required and encouraged to undertake research to develop further the body of knowledge in this emerging subject discipline.


Conference Themes

Conference papers on the following themes will be welcomed for review by the scientific committee:


Scientific Committee

Reviewers for the scientific committee will be drawn from the APIEM Journal Editorial Board and from the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events at Taylor`s University, Malaysia.


Conference Publications

The Asia Pacific International Events Management Journal, ISSN 2597-9574 will publish conference papers as special editions - depending on the themes of the papers. In addition, selected papers will be eligible for publishing in the International Research Journal of Business Studies (IRJBS), ISSN 2338-4565 a peer reviewed scientific journal published by Prasetiya Mulya Publishing, Indonesia. IRJBS is indexed in DOAJ, EBSCO and the Asian Citation Index (ACI).


Guidelines for Authors

Detailed guidelines for the writing of papers to be submitted for the conference can be found on this website.  

Papers should be between 4 – 8 pages in length, fully referenced using the APA system. 

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On behalf of Taylor’s University Malaysia, we would like to welcome you to the 1st Asia Pacific Virtual Event Conference 2020 (AVEC 2020). It is a pleasure partnering with APIEM to co-host the first virtual research events conference.

Taylor’s University has continuously provided excellent services in higher education with diverse study options, relevant curriculum, and innovative teaching methods, ongoing strategic partnerships with leading universities worldwide, strong industry linkages, up-to-date facilities and well-equipped campuses. It is my honour to see AVEC 2020 become a platform to extend high impact research, provide new insights to the conference participants and benefit from the advantages of research generated through your presence in this conference. The conference serves as a platform for scholars, academics and researchers to gain new and valuable experience, share ideas and improve networking.

By organizing this event, we expect that we can gain a range of learning experiences and knowledge within the events & MICE industry. Every effort will be made to make this conference a success. We would like to express our gratitude to the Asia Pacific Institute for Event Management, especially Professor David Hind as the President to invite the students of Taylor’s University to collaborate in organizing AVEC 2020. Thank you for all the support and commitment to ensure the success of AVEC 202 and thank you to all conference participants and organizers.

Prof. Dr. Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan
Executive Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management



Submission of Manuscripts

Paper presenters will submit their manuscripts as word documents to the scientific committee for review through


Who Should Participate?

The following participants will find the conference of benefit: 
Academic researchers and faculty/lecturers who research and teach in the fields of events management, MICE, hospitality, leisure and tourism with an interest in the Asia Pacific events/MICE industry  


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Conference Venue

This is a virtual conference fully online hosted by the School of Hospitality, Tourism, Events at Taylor`s University, Malaysia.


Date of Conference

The conference will be staged on Wednesday, November 25, 2020.


Conference Organizers

The conference organisers will be APIEM Events Management Services and the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events, Taylor`s University, Malaysia.

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Registration Fee

For participants who have their paper accepted for presentation at the conference. A fee of USD 75.00 will be charged for non-APIEM member and USD 60.00 for APIEM members to cover the reviewing, proof reading and editing costs for their paper to be published in the conference proceedings.


© 2020 APIEM - Events Management Services | Developed and Designed by: Crys Parrilla

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+63 920 979 1433


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